Collesi at the Dubai Expo

Collesi launches its innovative Craft Beer Therapy at the Dubai Expo: the first medical and cosmetic protocol based on craft beer.

Collesi Beauty during theDubai Expo 25 February 2022, during the week dedicated to projects from the Marche region, organised and sponsored by the Marche Region and Confartigianato di Pesaro e Urbino, presented a world exclusive of its cosmetic innovation: the Craft Beer Therapy.

The Marche founder and entrepreneur Giuseppe CollesiWith his vast experience in the field of craft beers, he has not limited himself to the production of one of the world's most award-winning products. In the course of his work, between brewery and distillery, he and the University of Camerino analysed all the effects of beer on our organism and the results were surprising.

Among the main ones are the antioxidant properties, the richness of vitamins that favour cell regenerating action and the effects on pigmentation that makes the skin soft and smooth. It was realised that it would be an ideal ingredient for the body care and so in 2018 was born the Collesi Beauty cosmetics line.

Today, every product is designed, made and packaged homemade, in the Collesi Laboratories on the border between Marche and Umbria, where recipes are jealously guarded and where the uniqueness of the products is always protected to guarantee a pure and genuine result.

This is possible because the ancient Collesi estates of Apecchio, at an altitude of 700 metres above sea level, rise in perfect soil for the production of a natural and nutrient-rich beer. In fact, the Monte Nerone spring, which gushes out just a few steps from the farm, allows the beer to be bottled without losing the organoleptic properties of the water. The surrounding area has the ideal altitude and exposure to sun and wind for growing barley.

Giuseppe Collesi, in an interview with the Panbianconews Hotellerie editorial, had this to say: "I am happy that the Marche Region wanted us among the companies that will be part of this wonderful event that shows the world the excellence of our land. Ours is an innovative project that speaks of beauty, just like the theme of this year's Expo. We invented the first medical and cosmetic protocol based on craft beer. We are proud to show the world what can be born from passion, even in a small town like Apecchio".

When an idea is strong and based on solid elements, in this case the healthy properties of beer recognised since antiquity, it can become reality. The Craft Beer Therapy is a concrete example of this, and the goal of making the beneficial qualities of the drink available to everyone, even those who do not drink it, is now a real possibility. It can be tried, together with the Collesi Beauty ritualsin the Live Beauty Storein Milan, Piazza IV Novembre 3, at the NYX hotel Milan or on our website.

It includes treatments designed for aesthetic and physical well-being; Active Cosmetics product line for private individuals; PRO Cosmetics line for beauty centres and SPAs; Body line, massage oils and revitalising creams.

Three other novelties were launched, we are talking about the hair line, consumer and professional, which will soon be available in a complete range of all-natural hair products. A dental hygiene linewhich, through simple products that enhance the properties of black and blond beer, protect teeth from cavities and give them shiny white enamel. And finally, the health lineconsisting of food supplements and nutraceuticals.


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